Sunday, June 22, 2008

Picnic anyone?

So I went to my GF's annual company picnic with her yesterday (while DP (Dear Partner) sat at home on the sofa and talked ALL DAY to his platonic DH, who lives on the West Coast). I found myself more then once thinking, "Gee, I wish I'd brought my knitting." I'm sure she was thinking the same thing. The facility really was made for kids to play in, although at 5'4" I was able to climb into a wooden John Deere and pose for a picture. But seriously, I could've spent the 30 minutes we were waiting for lunch knitting.

Now, just so's you know what a big deal this is, let me tell you that I technically learned to knit over two years ago, and spent most of the intervening time proclaiming loudly how much I hated knitting--too complicated, required too much thought, took too long. In those two years, I completed exactly ONE project....a 6"x6" sqaure that I felted.

Fast forward to WWKIP Day. I told my local knitters that I would actually bring needles and yarn with me and knit for this event. DH\P was skeptical, questioning whether or not I would be throwing those needles at anyone. This was not an out-of-line question, as I have thrown my needles on the ground in frustration many times. I decided to go easy...bulky yarn and big (15) needles. And I cast on seven stitches. And I knit. And knit. And about 3 hours later, had a very respectable 4' skinny scarf. And a new addiction. I had to go to a local craft store for weaving project supplies, and decided I needed another bulky skein so I could continue to KIP at a gay pride event and a mall. Found a cheap skein of blue and pink.

Now, if you ever want to get the weird eyeball from people, spend an hour as a short, skinny guy with big gauged piercings and a visible tattoo knitting with pink-and-blue yarn stashed in his cargo shorts pocket in a local shopping mall. That was me. Oh yeah, and I was in Alabama.

See, I've been wanting a craft that is more portable than my loom. I love love love my Ashford 16" Rigid Heddle Knitter's Loom, but it's not real convenient for walking around with or doing in a line or waiting room. Crochet just baffles me, and I am too cheap to buy the little Weavette loom I want. So I'm actually very excited about finally liking knitting.

And bonus: it gives me something to do with my single skeins I bought before realizing that 75 yards doesn't go very far on a port-a-loom.

1 comment:

Cara said...

Congratulations on your new blog, and listen to you with the "wish I'd brought my knitting"! I'm so happy you finally got it to click for you--I'm glad I was there to witness it! We'll get you crocheting yet. It's the ultimate in portable--only one live stitch to worry about at a time, and none of this dropped stitch nonsense.