Monday, June 23, 2008

Nearly done

Ok, so if I hadn't taken time tonight to peruse the bargain books at BN, I would've finished The Scarf. It's so close. So so close. I intend to finish it tomorrow night and rewarp the loom with a swap scarf that hopefully will not drive me crazy.

And speaking of crazy-making, one of tonight's knitters had a kniting disaster, and put away her WIP. At that point, she noticed my yarns (the roughly 9 I am working with on this scarf) were well on their way to becoming a big mound of yarn barf. Bless her, she unscrambled and rewrapped most of it, so the leftovers will be used or go neatly into my scrap-and-blob bag.

I am making progress, tho. My yarns for The Scarf are all in one bag. My knitting WIP is neatly rolled and wrapped around its needles. My loom tools are in their bag. My shuttles are in their pocket, as are my scissors. I cleaned out my bag over the weekend, and after extracting a dozen or more ball bands, four ties, one water bottle, assorted paper scraps, four pieces of newspaper, three yarn scraps, two partial balls from gosh-knows-when, my camera, and a piece of wood I intend to use as a pick-up stick, my bag became a much happier place for my loom and WIPs to live.

I predicts the happy organization of the bag lasts two weeks. That's about as long as I can keep anything neat and organized.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Enjoy your two weeks of organization. I think I have to rip back a bit of my sock because I may have turned the heel a wee too early. I will try it on again and re-evaluate.