Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Cat in the Bag

Where's a camera when you need it? (In the car is the answer).

So I looked down at my loom bag a few minutes ago. It was lying on its side on the floor. With a cat 2/3 of the way in it. There was half a catbutt and a tail hanging out. I tapped the back end and the cat retreated. She usually leaves yarn alone unless it is moving, so I have no clue what she thought she was doing in there. And she left her tail out. Did she think I wouldn't see her?!

But then again, this is the weird cat, the one I have to fight for grapes. Seriously, if I am eating them, she will do everything in her kitty-powers to steal them. And if I leave the stems out, she'll chew on THEM.

So I think I need to add Turkish Wool to the list of Things the Cate Likes to eat. At leats she's front declawed, so my yarn was in no imminent danger, although I think she might have felted an inch.

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