Sunday, June 22, 2008

Boredom sets in...

I want this scarf to be done. Ok, I just started it last night, and I've only invested about 6 hours in it. And it's a freeform scarf with a lot of lovely rich jewel tone yarns and colors. And I should love it. But I've become bored with it. This rarely happens, partly because I love colorwork, and partly because these projects go so darn fast.

I've decided it's because of a combination of factors.

1. I've been doing quicky projects with worsted-or-heavier yarn, and this scarf is heavy on the sockweight, which takes longer and is much more fiddley. Slow=bored.

2. There are only so many ways to combine the colors, and I'm trying not to be repetitive. Repetitive+slow small yarn=really bored.

3. I'm nearly out of the most exciting yarn in the scarf. No Nashua Sitar+repetitive+slow small yarn = really really bored.

4. I was focusing so intently on it to tune out MIL who was getting under my skin that I was over concentrating, and anything I have to closely concentrate on for a long period of time makes me crazy. ADHD+out of yarn+repetitive+slow=me very nearly tying the thing off two feet short of its goal and shipping it somewhere on the first available postal truck.

Now, I unwrapped it and looked at it and it is gorgeous. I don't have that much more to do. I can finish this. Really I can. Tomorrow night at SnB. And probably still finish my 2nd WWKIP scarf. But this is one of the few times I wish some little fairy would come visit in the middle of the night and finish this blasted thing for me.

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