Sunday, July 6, 2008

Dogs and Fireworks

A little tail from the 4th of July.

We live in a county area, which means no fireworks restrictions. Which means lots of people setting them off. Which means lots of cracks and bangs and pops and whistles. Which means two little dogs go bats**t crazy barking and barking and barking. We are trying to watch one of the two tv shows we care about, and the tv does not go loud enough to drown them out. So we decide to send them out into their yard, figuring if they are going to bark anyway, they might as well bark out there. After a few minutes, we go to check on them, and decide to watch the neighborhoods' fireworks displays.

And wouldn't you know it. Outside amongst the flashing lights and cracks and bangs and pops and whistles, the dogs....are absolutely quiet. Yeah. One bark in thirty minutes. Yeah. These are the same animals that bark if they hear a car door next door. They bark if you close a cabinet door and it goes bump. They bark if you drop anything. The bark if a cat is being naughty. But outdoors, with fireworks going off 100 yards away? Nada.

So we decide that Saturday night, we are going to preempt the Loud Dog Headaches and put them outside ahead of the fireworks. We decide not to because their is CRAZY lightening and thunder....and the dogs are, yes, completely silent.

Someone care to explain this to me?

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