Saturday, July 5, 2008

Craft area cleaning and the law of gravity

Yesterday, DH and I decided to do a major garage clean and reorganize. This means we found craft stuff-papers, yarn, pencils, etc-and they need to move inside. So I decided to redo the craft room/area to organize and makeroom for more stuff (thank goodness for three drawer rolling carts). And apparently the universe decided that I needed a remedial physics lesson. Yarn, stacked and unconfined, tumbles downward. Boxes, when overfilled, heavy, and lifted improperly, tumble with a great crash. And containers haphazardly stacked with cards and paper and bags and other ephemera, eventually lose their balance and tip....all over the craft and living room floors. Oh, and as yet untumbled yarn, when subjected to bumping and banging, decides to head south.

The moral of this story: Gravity works.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

It's not just a good idea
It's the law

I was just about to see if you guys were still out at Little Barn and ask you to pick up something for me. I guess that means my stash is sufficient.