Monday, July 14, 2008

Time Management

Ok, for the record, I have way too many creative things to do (is there such a thing?:) ) this is my record in case something happens to my notebook.

by 7/19 Mail Rav ATCs (completed, ready to fly)
by 8/6 Mail Rav Cardmakers (completed, ready to fly)
by 7/18 Mail Rav Knit Treasures
by 8/1 Mail Rav Scarf Exchange
by 8/29 Mail Rav Swap on a Budget
by 7/23 Mail YG ATC Pinup Girls (6)
by 7/23 Mail YG ATC Cuppa Joe (6) (bases done, needs embellishment)
by 8/27 Mail YG ATC Pink/Orange (3)
by 7/28 Mail Rav Oddball Stash Busters
by any Mail YG ATC Newbie (5)

New Place

So our Monday night knitting group moved fro mthe old BN to the new BN. Apparently, the powers that be at BN did not see fit to stay in their small location with the big cafe so we could knit happily. The inconsiderate bums decided to move into the chi chi new shopping center. The store is larger the cafe is smaller, the tables are round (not so easy to push together to accomodate a herd of people and I can't weave on them), and the chairs are decidedly more uncomfortable. I'm pretty sure we'll stay there for a while, but it's just not the same. The old BN has slightly worn wooden tables and chairs, the sort you expect to see in a bookstore cafe that caters to students with books and laptops and the need for caffeine. This one has "retro" tables and chairs, not conducive to hours of sitting. We were also quieter than usual, and I doubt that this BN will put up with the sort of adult language that you'd expect from a group that calls themselves Skanky Knitters. So we'll see.

In other news, besides some minor hyperventilating with regards to tinking part of a scarf I am working on, I got several inches done, and Boku in stockingette is just gorgeous. Worth the thought it takes me to purl.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

gone roving

Ok, so the last blue-and-green is off the loom, replaced with another blue-and-green, with a subtle color change yarn. Problem is that the transitions are very slow and long, and the green was lookinga bit monotonous. Thankfully, the LYS we were at is mostly a fiber store, and I found a great sample bag with a ton of rope roving in colors that would look lovely in current project.

So for the first time I am incorporating roving into a woven piece, and it looks wonderful. And it's a dirt cheap was to dress up something dull, because I am using pinches of roving each time. And I mean little pinches. This bag-o-soft-and-lovely-dyed-wool will last fo-evah. I need to do this more.

I love some of the funky and/or lovely double stranded stuff I've been doing, but this is waaay faster and easier. I'm just hoping this one doesn't go weird on me, or I'm going to consider this project cursed.

gone wonky

Ok, so the project I was working on got cut-off early. It was just not working. I unrolled it to check the length, and low and behold found big gaping holes where there was once nice tight weaving. The cool part is when I slid the yarn around, it made some really groovy ripples and holes. The bad part is that it was completely impractical to wear, and I really did not want to deal with another 5 a piece that is loose early on gets worse over length. So I decided to stop and cut my losses. I decided to wet it and throw it in the dryer to see what would happen. All I got was a fuzzy rippled creased thing. I'm going to block it and put it away until I find a use of a home for it.

Oh, and GF once again said she liked it and it was nice, and I asked her if she liked it enough to put it in her closet, because that's probably where it would land. She did the uh...uh...uh... stutter stall. I told her not to tell me she liked something if she would not want it in her closet. I think that will put a stop to the polite approval of items.

Nothing breeds honesty like threatening to put in a UGH in someone's closet because they (politely) say they like it.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Officer, git that goat offen mah mercedes

Heard on WLRH (local public radio) and seen in Huntsville Times:

(some paraphrasing-WLRH) Tuesday: In Limestone County [where we live], a dog and goat were taken into police custody last night. It happened on Hwy72 and East Limestone Road. A person saw the animals and got out of their car to help them. They called the sheriff when the goat jumped up on the hood of her mercedes. The sheriff loaded the goat into this patrol car and when he opened the back door, the dog jumped in. Anyone missing a dog and a goat should contact the Limestone County Sherrif's Department.

and the follow up in the Huntsville Times-apparently, the sheriff who is holdingthe goat has get-togethers for goat stew. He is asking for someone to claim the animals. People have asked to adopt the goat, and so far it has a stay of execution.

Stay tuned for the continuing adventures of Dog and Goat...

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Darn Distractions

I meant to get more weaving done last night. Really I did. But the lure of the last night of 50% off sale at a book store proved to be too much, so I got somewhat less done. I also got postcards and cards I don't really need, and which I will most likely return, much to the irritation of people around me.

So back to the fiber at hand. I love the colors I am working with, but did not give myself enough variation in texture to keep it from getting repetitive. Repetitive is not bad, just not what I was intending. It may or may not go to its intended recipient. But as always, I have a backup plan. Stash is our friend. Stash allows for last minute changes in plans or backups in case a YUM turns into an UGH! Stash allows us creative freedom. Stash allows us to have a wide variety of resources at our fingertips, so we can be ready for any fiber arts emergency. Stash may not always cooperate, and certain parts of it might go into hiding at the worst possible moment, but at least it gives us options. And really, what bad day can't be made better by pawing through stash to fondle the fibers? Can we file cost of stash under mental health aid?

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Reloaded - weekend

The loom is reloaded. Blue and greens and sari silk. A special project. It's going to be fabulous.

About to get a new toy--will squee the blog when I do.

The race yesterday was great--TNT live feeds on the computer and radio coverage for sound.

Today's homemade ice cream--so-so, but cold and creamy, so that's good enough.

Fried cheese for dinner--outstanding.

Birds on my birdfeeders--very cool.

Birdcage in the DVD player--reminds me that I am frequently in the company of a Very Gay Straight Man Who is Not My DPs Best Friend. And that John Wayne really does walk that way.

Dogs and Fireworks

A little tail from the 4th of July.

We live in a county area, which means no fireworks restrictions. Which means lots of people setting them off. Which means lots of cracks and bangs and pops and whistles. Which means two little dogs go bats**t crazy barking and barking and barking. We are trying to watch one of the two tv shows we care about, and the tv does not go loud enough to drown them out. So we decide to send them out into their yard, figuring if they are going to bark anyway, they might as well bark out there. After a few minutes, we go to check on them, and decide to watch the neighborhoods' fireworks displays.

And wouldn't you know it. Outside amongst the flashing lights and cracks and bangs and pops and whistles, the dogs....are absolutely quiet. Yeah. One bark in thirty minutes. Yeah. These are the same animals that bark if they hear a car door next door. They bark if you close a cabinet door and it goes bump. They bark if you drop anything. The bark if a cat is being naughty. But outdoors, with fireworks going off 100 yards away? Nada.

So we decide that Saturday night, we are going to preempt the Loud Dog Headaches and put them outside ahead of the fireworks. We decide not to because their is CRAZY lightening and thunder....and the dogs are, yes, completely silent.

Someone care to explain this to me?

Saturday, July 5, 2008


Productive day:

13 handmade sets (5 each) of stitch markers - done
craft area completely cleaned and organized - done
all yarn in zipper bags - done
fragrance oil cleaned up after it spilled all over work surface - done
watched Nascar Race - done
fabulous dinner, featuring fried cheese - done
chocolate milkshakes with homemade ice cream consumed - done


the ugly scarf - done done done!

There is a strip club chain out there with the motto "Hundreds of beautiful girls...and three ugly ones.". Well, my FO bag is now 35 beautiful objects...and one butt-ugly one.

Craft area cleaning and the law of gravity

Yesterday, DH and I decided to do a major garage clean and reorganize. This means we found craft stuff-papers, yarn, pencils, etc-and they need to move inside. So I decided to redo the craft room/area to organize and makeroom for more stuff (thank goodness for three drawer rolling carts). And apparently the universe decided that I needed a remedial physics lesson. Yarn, stacked and unconfined, tumbles downward. Boxes, when overfilled, heavy, and lifted improperly, tumble with a great crash. And containers haphazardly stacked with cards and paper and bags and other ephemera, eventually lose their balance and tip....all over the craft and living room floors. Oh, and as yet untumbled yarn, when subjected to bumping and banging, decides to head south.

The moral of this story: Gravity works.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Contest Entry-The Pirate Geese

A Good Thought Gone Bad

When one is contemplating lace, one should not look at a pattern with lots of big numbers next to lots of little letters.

One should stick to their original idea of combinations of k and yo and k2t.

One should also be proud that when a Knitter rattles off a pattern, one can follow what Knitter is saying.

One should not then look at something on the internets that is the same pattern writen down.

Just sayin.

Ugly is the Word

Sometimes there is no other word for a project.

Start with (or don't, in this case) wonderful, soft, squishy thick (up to 1cm) and thin (fingering weight) brown/orange/white wool. Lovely on the skein. Lovely as a yarn cake. Then knit it on the prescribed size 17 needles. And watch it turn to UGH! Seriously, this looks like a dollar store reject, the sort of things that make people go deer-in-the-headlights as they try to find something nice to say about it. It's crossed the fine line from funky to fugly.

Seriously, the people around me say they like it. And considering the wonderful socksscarvesdishclothessweatersblankets they produce, I will not question their taste. I'll finish out the yarn cake and block it. Maybe the wonder of water and T-pins will turn it into something that doesn't make me cringe. Maybe I'll learn to love this beastly thing. Maybe GF won't be sorry she said she liked it (after she did, I threatened that it would land in her closet, to which she smiled politely). Maybe it won't wind up in the land of What Were They Thinking. Maybe. But I'm not optimistic. It's not a nightmare. It's not difficult yarn. It's plain garter stitch and reasonably fast.

But it's just plain no other words for it UGLY.